Charlie Williams Becomes CEO of the World Sports Alumni

Globe trotter Charlie Williams at the helm of the WSA
Orlando, Florida- International businessman and promoter Charlie Williams has been named CEO of the WSA World Sports Alumni. Williams is the Founder of Dragon Promotions, an 18 year global events production company as well as the President of Orlando Synergy Marketing, an international marketing firm. He also holds positions with manufacturing industries such as Andy Cloth and BottleDeck.
The WSA is a pro athletes association run by true professional athletes with the objective of uniting all pro athletes, and assisting them with any endeavor they have or are already in. This includes non-profit or for-profit businesses.
"Charlie Williams is a wonderful person and a great businessman. He is a master at marketing and promotions with big visions for the future. Most of all, he cares about athletes", said legendary sports icon Riddick Bowe, a 2-Time Heavyweight Champion of the World and International Boxing Hall of Fame Inductee.
CW's heavyweight rolodex of friends include Evander Holyfield & Riddick Bowe
The World Sports Alumni is the only worldwide professional athletes association existing, led and operated by professional athlete boards. While every sport has its own pro division, all the athletes cross-over to work with one another on projects as well as promoting unity in sports.
Williams comes with an extremely impressive resume of success and diversity. He has organized and promoted nearly 500 events in multiple countries, and produced over 1000 hours of original televised sports programming. His sports background includes working in tennis, soccer, billiards, and with hundreds of NFL players and pro boxers.

Producer of televised masterpieces such as the Queens Cup in Manila, Philippines held at the luxurious Resorts World Casino.
Photo courtesy by Emille BiBoy Soriano
"What really turns me on is creating and building things. I love taking ideas and bringing them to life. So those passions have forced me to become great at strategizing, marketing, and project managing", explained Williams. "I really love sports and really love the athletes that are now both my friends and my business associates. And that's what I have dedicated my skillsets to. The synergy between the different athletes has been off the charts. That's why I believe the WSA has unlimited potential. That's also why I feel the WSA is something I was born to do. Nothing in life is an accident."
Williams duties will include bringing revenue streams and strategic partnerships to the WSA and to the pro members. Also overseeing the marketing and brand building of not just the WSA, but also the individual athletes. Finally, to expand the WSA into territories nationally and internationally. WSA Washington D.C./Virginia was already announced 2 weeks earlier and 3 more cities are to be announced in the next 3 months.
"Charlie's a go getter. He always seems to know how to get things to work. Most of all, what I like about him is that he is helpful to others before himself", said 2-Time NFL Pro Bowler Brandon Meriweather of the Patriots.

Always surrounded by NFL players: Bruce Rothschild (Chargers), Brandon Meriweather (Patriots) & Charlie Hawkins (Jets)
"I first met CW while we worked together in the NFL Alumni. I watched him handle the marketing with class precision that made things explode. I also saw he was a very reliable and very professional person. He always sees things others don't. Every team needs a coach and manager, and CW is the perfect fit", said Ron Dixon, National President of the WSA Pro Football Division. Dixon was one of the stars of Super Bowl XXXV for the NY Giants.

Williams represented on Team USA 6-Times vs Europe in the Mosconi Cup and still holds records.
He also played alongside and captained teams such as Team Korea vs Team USA with Jeanette Lee the Black Widow in Seoul.

"I've known Charlie since he was a teenager in Virginia. He's a really sharp kid. Anything he is involved in, trust me you'll want in," said "King James" Jim Rempe, multi-World Pool Champion and Hall of Famer.
Besides business prowess and entrepreneurship, Williams is no stranger to competition. He was a former #1 ranked professional billiards player who has won numerous pro titles in many countries. He simultaneously held a top ten ranking for several years while still running his business enterprises. He retired while still in his prime playing years from the pro tour in 2014. He also coached and mentored numerous world champion pool players on both the men and women's pro circuit. As well as guided many players in their business careers.
"There's a stereotype that pro athletes are not smart enough, or had enough schooling to succeed in business. I've found that to be untrue. The athletes in the WSA I've worked with are not only highly intelligent, but they are very intuitive. They are not only fast learners, but they also give me great advice and insight. And they are very selfless with gigantic hearts. I've been on numerous boards and associations, and I can honestly say our WSA group is the best I've ever worked with", said Williams.

Williams at his FTT Florida Tennis Tour with World Tennis Cup Champs David Souto & Luis Ramirez of Team Venezuela. With Ron Dixon.
Tennis authority Tom Sweitzer, inducted into three different Tennis Hall of Fames, also commented, "Charlie has taken the same drive, energy and focus from his championship competitive days and channeled it into his sports marketing and promotions. He creates major excitement at everything he touches. Charlie has a knack to make stars out of all participants and knows how to continue to increase their star power."
"I like the fact that when things go crazy around him, he always stays calm and stays focused. Even when bad things happen, Charlie finds a way to turn it into something positive. He's a forward thinker and a very progressive person. He has brilliant ideas and now the WSA is growing by leaps and bounds", explained former Tampa Buccaneer Lee Paige. He adds,
"It's funny that a guy who never took a snap, hit, or made a slam dunk had the foresight to bring athletes of all sports together like this."
Professionals, businesses, and fans may reach Charlie Williams through his staff at . Learn more or join the WSA at and follow on all social media @WorldSportsAlumni

Never a dull moment with Charlie Williams: Women's International Pool Championship in New York City.
Photo courtesy Charles Eames Photography